Forest of Business CardsForest of Business Cards
The gallery features the-works of 200 artists on the front face of business cards and their contact information written in the back for visitors to take freely.

オリンピックの東京への招致活動(オリンピック・パラリンピック招致委員会、日本グラフィックデザイナー協会、東京新聞共催 )イベントにおける展覧会場の空間デザイン。
The design for this exhibition gallery is themed around the Olympic Games, a space of discovery where people from all over the world gather and meet. The gallery features the-works of 200 artists on the front face of business cards and their contact information written in the back for visitors to take freely.
We aimed to create a meeting place where 200 different card designs meet, revealing a complex interaction between individual cards and the whole.
We inserted the business cards in Styrofoam in order to confer the paper's fragile,fine and light properties onto its surroundings and reinforce the relationship between object, support and environment.
Visitors remove cards of interest, thus changing the exhibit density which in turn shifts their own focus.
This results in a complex and beautiful facade that changes from one moment to the next as would the Japanese Sakura(cherry) tree.
-Business cards=dotted colors-
The business cards are not randomly ordered.Some repeat in patterns but they are not exactly the same.For example,three cards are in one block ,four cards are in one block,five cards in one block・・・
The picture changes depending if you are close to the design or far away from object.If you are close you will only see one card.But if you step farther away,you will take in more cards and the nuance of the whole picture will change .
It seems transparent .They emit a transparent feeling and create a landscape with dotted colors.
-Sustainable Approach-
The Olympic game are held at different location around the world.This exhibition can be held anywhere in the using styrofoam.We can dissolve and reuse it after the exhibition period.This display method gives one answer for reuse after removal in a temporary space planning.